When Life Gets You Down


I can say in my life that I have experienced this more times then I want to count. When unexpected tragedies happen, problems, financial pitfalls, and the breakdown of a relationship it can feel like your whole world has been turned upside down. Amid that “lost” feeling it can feel like you will never find your way back to your old life. But sometimes it is not meant to get back to your old life. I can honestly look back and see that out of all the bad things that I have gone through, good things came out of them and going back to my old life was not the best thing for me.

When I look back at the bad things that have happened to me, inevitably I was pushed forward to new things. If I hadn’t gone through these bad times I never would have made the changes to experience the good things that were waiting for me. I remember back in 2000 my ex-husband left me for one year. I thought this was the end of my world but what transpired after that was amazing. I moved to a new city and new opportunities were presented to me. I found myself self-employed which gave me freedom and flexibility in my schedule that I craved. I rebuilt my self-esteem from the breakup. We did get back together but I was stronger and more resilient. I even purchased my first home. I would say that I grew as a person and learned that the worst thing that could happen wouldn’t break me or destroy me. So many good things came from what I thought was the worst thing that could happen.

We eventually broke up, but I ended the relationship. I was better for it because even though I still loved him, I knew we were better off being friends rather than trying to stay in a relationship that didn’t work for us. Today we co-parent our daughter together and have a healthy, respectful relationship. Eventually I moved to another new city and found the person that was more compatible for me. He and I are still together today, living a loving and adventurous life. Had my husband never left me back in 2000, I would have remained in a relationship that was subpar and never made the moves that put me in the path of the person that I was meant to be with.

The one trait that I think helped me push through my problems was my positive attitude. No matter how bad things got for me, I was always able to see the glass hall full versus half empty. Having a positive attitude can be your biggest weapon against defeat. It can make the difference between what breaks you and what makes you stronger. Don’t let a negative attitude keep you stuck in a bad situation. It will only prolong your bad experience and make you feel worse. You will need everything in your arsenal to overcome what you are going through. The power of positivity is real.

Change is inevitable. But it could be the one thing that we fear. Sometimes what we think is the worst thing that can happen to us, is the very thing that we need, that pushes us into unchartered territory. I know we don’t want to hear this when we are battling life, trying to climb from the hole we are in, or facing financial difficulties. But there is nothing in this world that will destroy us but our own fear of the worst thing that can happen. Staying where we are can be counter-productive. It can feel daunting, and overwhelming while we are going through the bad times. But sometimes what we think is breaking us down, is rebuilding us to be a stronger version of ourselves and moving us to the path that is better and meant to be. The Universe is fully aware of our limits. The Universe will never give us more then we can handle. The Universe really is on our side and is rooting for our success in life. If we take the champion attitude and face these times head on, we will find the strength to get through it. Even better, the Universe will give us every tool that we need to get through our problems.

So just remember when life gets us down, it’s not always the worst thing that can happen to us. Even when we lose a loved one, something good can from our loss. But we must be open to the changes that life brings us. Because it is not meant for life to keep us down forever. Having a positive attitude can help. And always remember “Today is a new day” which simply means, that with every new day comes an opportunity to change your life.

If you are facing challenges and need help navigating a difficult time, please don’t hesitate to call us at Finding Your Journey at 404 563-6324 . We would love to help you!

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